A. C. Earle Photography

Phone: (206) 923 8243 • Email: acearle@acearle.com

Classic Tools,
Modern Tech

Many photographers use a couple of zoom lenses and a decent body. However, the flexibility of zoom lenses comes at a cost. All zoom lenses suffer from distortions to a greater or lesser extent. With high end zoom lenses, the distortions may not be immediately noticable. A. C. Earle uses primes for most of his work. A prime lens relies on the photographer moving toward or away from the subject to change the framing. More work for the photographer, in this case, means sharper images with the least distortion possible.

Our Work

Context Awareness

We stay true to our commitment: Creating an images for you that you will genuinely like. We won't rest until that happens!

Fresh Concepts

Classic serious photography has been predominantly black and white. Although color film stocks became popular, the art of black and white requires an understanding of tonality and how colors translate to the forms of black and white. Although A. C. Earle has been using a substantial amount of color in his work for 10 years, he has been working in black and white since 1977. Sometimes a fresh concept means to step away from the trends toward color to explore the classic tonality of photographic masters like Edward Weston or Ansel Adams. However, after exploring that tonality, in many cases color photography may well be the right choice for the subject or event.